📢 I am looking for a PhD student to work at the intersection of responsible AI and human-AI collaboration! Learn more and apply here 🚀
I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen (Netherlands). My research addresses problems that arise when humans and AI systems interact, with a focus on fairness and transparency in high-stakes decision-making.
My main objective is to contribute to the responsible design and deployment of AI systems, fostering a more equitable and just society. To this end, I employ a multidisciplinary approach that integrates novel AI techniques with insights derived from behavioral research, utilizing a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods.
Prior to my current appointment, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin, working closely with Maria De-Arteaga. I received my PhD from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany, where I wrote a dissertation “On the Interplay of Transparency and Fairness in AI-Informed Decision-Making.” I also hold a master’s degree in Operations Research from Georgia Tech. As a doctoral student, I was fortunate to do a research internship with Microsoft in Redmond. Before starting my PhD, I worked for two years as a Senior Data Scientist at IBM in New York.
Feb ‘25. I started my new role as tenure-track assistant professor of responsible and explainable AI at the University of Groningen, Bernoulli Institute.
Jan ‘25. I gave an invited Bayreuth Lecture on challenges and opportunities in human-AI collaboration.
Aug ‘24. Our recent CHI ‘24 paper was featured in a blog by UT Austin.
Jul ‘24. An extended version of our HHAI ‘23 paper got accepted at the JAIR special issue on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence.
Jun ‘24. Our joint work “I want it that way”: Enabling interactive decision support using large language models and constraint programming with C. Lawless, L. Le, K. Rowan, S. Sen, C. St Hill, J. Suh, and B. Sarrafzadeh got accepted at ACM TiiS.
May ‘24. I received and accepted an offer as tenure-track assistant professor of responsible and explainable AI at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, starting in spring ‘25 🎉
Apr ‘24. Our CHI ‘24 paper Explanations, fairness, and appropriate reliance in human-AI decision-making won a best paper honorable mention award (top 5% of submissions) 🎉